Price change tracker (July 2024)

NoItemPrevious Price/PeriodCurrent PriceSource
1VanillaJuly 2023 5500- 8,000Ugx (1kg fresh beans)July 2024 5000- 9,000Ugx (1kg fresh beans)Kyenjojo DLG Production and marketing department
2Cocoa Last harvest July 2023 8500Ugx Per KgJuly 2024 20000-28,000Ugx Per KgKyenjojo DLG Production and marketing department
3CoffeeSept-Nov 2023 4000Ugx Per Kg of Kiboko
KASE 8300Ugx Per Kg
July 2024 11000Ugx Per Kg of Kiboko
KASE 15000Ugx Per Kg
Kyenjojo DLG Production and marketing department
4Bird’s Eye ChiliesJuly 2023 5000Ugx Per KgJuly 2024 11000KgKyenjojo DLG Production and marketing department
5MaizeJuly 2023 1700 Ugx Per KgJuly 2024 550 Ugx Per KgKyenjojo DLG Production and marketing department
6Irish Potatoes July-Dec 2023 180,000Ugx Per 100kgBagJuly 2024 250,000Ugx Per 100kg- BagKyenjojo DLG Production and marketing department
Disclaimer: Note that, the prices mentioned above can change at anytime depending on circumstances that may not be predicted here. (more items might be added or removed)