Illegal Charcoal Burning in Matiiri-Misenyi

In a monitoring conducted On 2nd December 2021 at 1300pm by JESE Community Information Agents,  in the Matiiri forest reserve near Misenyi village opposite Rusongora village , the following observations were observed  Attempted illegal charcoal burning.  Scene of charcoal burning  had no individuals at time of monitoring, but it’s alleged that, the smugglers who are […]

Illegal timber cutting

Today 16th January 2022 I monitored Matiri forest and found out that there was an illegal timber cutting evidenced by the logs of trees cut. Still there were big trunks of trees believed to have been cut using a hand saw and laid on the bed for lumbering. There were also timber exhibits(amakoko) a thing […]

Illegal activities in Matiri forest

During a monitoring conducted on 31/12/2021,  the following findings were revealed in Butunduzi Town Council Matiri forest sector; 1. Encroachers have used Christmas holidays to illegally cut down trees for timber. This because around this period the supervision efforts are low. 2. Charcoal production had reduced in Misenyi hill but also timber cutting had increased […]