Illegal Charcoal Burning in Muhangi

On 4th Feb 2023 in a monitoring conducted in muhangi forest reserve near muzizi river along kyaterekera road from kigoyera town. This is kaswa village, mwokya parish, kigoyera sub county in Kyenjojo district. When moving around the above said place it was found that charcoal activity taking place, it was unfortunate nobody was at the […]

Alleged encroachment on Kyerenga wetland

On 4/3/2022 during monitoring in Kyerenga wetland and it was found out that people around the wetland have dug  fish ponds in the swampy area now, its not clear of such activities were okayed by government otherwise it might require government/JESE’s intervention

Alleged intentions harm to wildlife

On 27/02/202,at around mid day .I found two men carrying nets to trap animals in the forest, These people were also being accompanied by their dogs,as a good idicator, that they were going to hunt wild animals from the forest.This took place in Matiri forest reserve found in Kihura sub-county , Kyenjojo District.

Illegal Charcoal Burning in Matiiri-Misenyi

In a monitoring conducted On 2nd December 2021 at 1300pm by JESE Community Information Agents,  in the Matiiri forest reserve near Misenyi village opposite Rusongora village , the following observations were observed  Attempted illegal charcoal burning.  Scene of charcoal burning  had no individuals at time of monitoring, but it’s alleged that, the smugglers who are […]

Illegal timber cutting

Today 16th January 2022 I monitored Matiri forest and found out that there was an illegal timber cutting evidenced by the logs of trees cut. Still there were big trunks of trees believed to have been cut using a hand saw and laid on the bed for lumbering. There were also timber exhibits(amakoko) a thing […]

Illegal activities in Matiri forest

During a monitoring conducted on 31/12/2021,  the following findings were revealed in Butunduzi Town Council Matiri forest sector; 1. Encroachers have used Christmas holidays to illegally cut down trees for timber. This because around this period the supervision efforts are low. 2. Charcoal production had reduced in Misenyi hill but also timber cutting had increased […]

Local authorities claim that UPDF soldiers and the NFA officials connive with the illegal timber dealers to destroy the forests

Charcoal burning and illegal logging persist in Kyenjojo central forest reserves despite the deployment of Police and Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) officers attached to the National Forestry Authority (NFA).   The forests of Itwara, Muzizi, Oruha, and Matiri are the most affected with a number of truckloads leaving the forests each day. Residents around the […]


I was posted here in February 2013; I have spent 1.5years in Kyarusozi. Throughout this time, most of the cases reported here have been associated directly or indirectly to illegal activities in the forest. The common cases used to be gender based violence in homes and fighting. Investigations have shown that the violence in homes […]